Maze Generation Assignment
Tech Stack: Unity, Visual Studio, Github
The Assignment
This project was a solo project I decided to make in my free time. I got the idea from reddit when browsing the algorithm and computer forums. For the generation I used Depth First Search to make the maze. I Implemented this in Unity 2022 and I think this is quite a nice portfolio piece hence why I have made a page for this. For performance reasons I decided to limit the maze to 100 x 100 so that the program would not lag enormously when viewed on less powerful devices. I implemented the GUI and the Camera Behaviour so that this application could be run on mobile devices as well.
Code Highlights
/// <summary>
/// Function called when forming path to delete _walls that interfere with the path direction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wallToRemove"></param>
public void RemoveWall(int wallToRemove)
if (_walls[wallToRemove])
/// <summary>
/// Function to set states/colors of the cell to indicate where the algorithm is currently working
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state"></param>
public void SetState(NodeState state)
switch (state) {
case NodeState.Available:
_meshRenderer.material.color = Color.white;
case NodeState.Current:
_meshRenderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
case NodeState.Completed:
_meshRenderer.material.color =;
This code is responsible for helping manage maze generation. Key features of this code include:
Remove Wall Function:
Set State Function:
Supports different states:
//till there are no more unvisited _nodes left
while (completedNodes.Count < _nodes.Count)
// Check _nodes next to the current node
List<int> possibleNextNodes = new();
List<int> possibleDirections = new();
//gets the index of the current node from the _nodes list
int currentNodeIndex = _nodes.IndexOf(currentPath[^1]);//^1 == currentPath.Count - 1
//get the x & y of the current node
int currentNodeX = CalculateXPos(currentNodeIndex, size);
int currentNodeY = CalculateYPos(currentNodeIndex ,size);
//Check neighbour node on the right
if (currentNodeX < size.x - 1) {
//Check if the current node isn't already in the complete node list or currentpath list
if (!completedNodes.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex + size.y]) && !currentPath.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex + size.y]))
possibleNextNodes.Add(currentNodeIndex + size.y);
//Check neighbour node on the left
if (currentNodeX > 0) {
if (!completedNodes.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex - size.y]) && !currentPath.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex - size.y]))
possibleNextNodes.Add(currentNodeIndex - size.y);
//Check neighbour node above current node
if (currentNodeY < size.y - 1) {
if (!completedNodes.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex + 1]) && !currentPath.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex + 1]))
possibleNextNodes.Add(currentNodeIndex + 1);
//Check neighbour node under current node
if (currentNodeY > 0) {
if (!completedNodes.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex - 1]) && !currentPath.Contains(_nodes[currentNodeIndex - 1]))
possibleNextNodes.Add(currentNodeIndex - 1);
//If the algorithm has any unvisited neighbours
if (possibleDirections.Count > 0)
int chosenDirection = Random.Range(0, possibleDirections.Count);
Tile chosenNode = _nodes[possibleNextNodes[chosenDirection]];
//Remove wall on the side the next chosen cell is going to be
switch (possibleDirections[chosenDirection])
case 1://right
//remove wall on current node
//remove wall on next node
case 2://left
case 3://up
case 4://down
//add neighbor node chosen to path list
//change the state/color of the chosenNode to yellow
//if there are no more neighbours available that are unvisited
//add node to completed list
//set state/color to blue to mark cell as completer (will not visited anymore)
//remove the completed node
currentPath.RemoveAt(currentPath.Count - 1);
The ‘GenerateMaze‘ function employs a randomized maze generation algorithm. It starts by initializing a set of nodes and then iteratively explores and connects these nodes until the entire maze is formed.
Iterative Exploration:
Visual Representation:
Reflection On The Project
This project was pretty hard to start, but I don‘t back away from challenges! From the beginning to the end I had to think real hard to progress the project. Since this was one of the first time I have had to generate things from scratch in Unity. But when actually thinking clearly about it, I eventually got to the root of the problems I encountered and managed to finish this project on time. I would like to use texture displaying instead of objects if I give it another go. But that is for another time.